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Physical Therapy

Golden Endurance offers prehab and preventative care as well rehab following an injury. We believe in patient-centered care and put the individual first. Our interventions are intended on at getting you back on your feet.


While Golden Endurance caters to runners we treat anybody who walks through the door. You do not have to be a runner or athlete to work with us. 


However, Golden Endurance does offer running specific physical therapy to get you back on the road or trails. Physical therapists at Golden Endurance specialize in running related injuries and are competitors themselves. In 2022 all physical therapists competed in ultra running races in Colorado. 


Golden Endurance offers hour-long one on one sessions with a therapist. This is 2-4 times longer with a licensed therapist than most conventional clinics. This results in greater patient care, more opportunity for patient education, better patient outcomes, and quicker return to running. 


At Golden Endurance you will be treated like an individual. Initial evaluations include dynamic mobility and movement assessments. Services are described in detail below. 


Schedule a FREE Consult

We are happy to provide a FREE thirty minute phone consultation call to determine if we are the right place for you. Consultation calls are not required, but are a good opportunity to learn more information and to see if we are the right fit for you.


Manual Therapy: Hands on treatment approach that treats pain and function. Treatments include soft tissue mobilization, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, joint manipulation, and neural mobilization. 


Dry Needling: Treatment that involves insertion of a needle into dysfunctional muscles, providing a neuromuscular reset. 


Video Analysis: Dynamic gait and movement analysis of running specific movement followed by prescription of running specific exercises. 


Exercise Prescription: Exercises prescribed are specific to each individual client. Following a thorough orthopedic exam clients will be prescribed exercises based on their movement, gait, deficits in strength, restrictions in mobility and flexibility.


Health Education: With hour long one on one sessions therapists have the opportunity to educate clients on their injuries and provide effective strategies to train while injured. 


Injury Prevention: As clients return to running at their desired volume and intensity they will be given exercises to prevent future injuries. These exercises will be challenging, dynamic, and runner specific. 

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